Forum Registration

Welcome 910Arts community members!


We value your input and are excited to have you participate in the private online forums as way to better communicate your concerns, offer your opinion or suggestions for proposed changes, volunteer your time, help decide how we spend money on projects, or just let people know about an event you’re planning.


Please Register below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Gallery/Studio/Business (required)

    Your Username (required)

    Be as specific as possible, not everyone knows each other. We suggest you use your studio/business name, an underscore, and your first name. For example "Skylite_Jim" or "FastidiousFotog_Theresa"

    Upload profile photo (optional)

    This will show up next to your name when you make a comment and contribute to the forums. This will help people associate names and faces (almost 50% of the tenants have been here for less than 1 year.) Otherwise your name will have a generic gray box (avatar), but you will still be able to contribute.